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What is EMS?

EMS is electrical muscle stimulation, a exciting wearable technology that uses electrical impulses to enhance the way your muscles respond to physical activity.

A young man doing a EMS workout at Elite EMS Fitness

What is EMS?

EMS is electrical muscle stimulation, a exciting wearable technology that uses electrical impulses to enhance the way your muscles respond to physical activity.

What is EMS?

EMS is electrical muscle stimulation, a exciting wearable technology that uses electrical impulses to enhance the way your muscles respond to physical activity.

What is EMS?

EMS is electrical muscle stimulation, a exciting wearable technology that uses electrical impulses to enhance the way your muscles respond to physical activity.


EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) is a exciting breakthrough in enhancing human performance. Research has discovered that if you apply carefully controlled electrical impulses to certain muscle groups via special conductive pads, you enhance your muscular response to exercise in a way never before possible. With EMS, your muscles function 3x more effectively than they would during a non EMS supported workout. This increased muscle activation skyrockets your body's ability to increase muscle strength and reach calorie burn rates up to 700-1000 in just 20-minutes of exercise what otherwise could have taken up to 3 hours to do normally! When combined with a personalised training program, our whole body Elite EMS training system allows you to achieve the fitness results you want in less effort then without it.  

Some benefits and common issues regular Elite EMS sessions help to manage and improve are:

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Increased rate of calorie burn (great for getting rid of fat and weight loss)

  • Increased strength and stability

  • Increased stamina and endurance. (Triathlon record anyone)

  • Improved posture

  • Management of neck, shoulder and back pain

  • Help to recover from injuries

  • Creation of a toned body

  • Improve your sporting and competition performance

  • Correction and management of muscle imbalances and atrophy

  • Not needing to lift heavy weights

  • Post-pregnancy core strengthening and improvements in health and wellness

  • A gentle way of managing certain neurological or musculoskeletal conditions 

  • Saving yourself a significant amount of time in having to workout as you only have to train for 30 minutes once a week!

  • Suitable for all ages and fitness levels as the EMS is completely adjustable to your own personal needs.

With Elite EMS, your workout is short yet amplified and highly effective. Twenty-minute sessions are perfect for a busy lifestyle, and our technology allows our expert trainers to design programs for all ages and fitness levels.

"Our mission​ is to optimise our clients’ quality of life by delivering innovative fitness and wellness solutions."

How does EMS work?

EMS works by sending an carefully controlled electrical impulse into your muscles via a special conducting pad that is placed on your skin near a major muscle group. This impulse causes your muscles to contract the same as they would if lifting a heavy object.  The technology of EMS is exciting as it  facilitates a deeper muscle contraction to help reach layers of muscle that majority of people cannot reach themselves.  


This is particularly helpful for people who have experienced neurological incidents such as  strokes and parkinsons as those conditions  severely impair the body’s ability to send  electrical messages from the brain to the muscles. With limited muscle activity our muscles experience what is known as atrophy (the wasting or degeneration of muscles due to inactivity) and it is this atrophy that is associated with decreased quality of life and morbidity.  EMS is able to completely bypass the need for the brain to send these signals to the muscles this allowing the person to experience full contractions and can be both maintained and strengthened.


At Elite EMS we use electrical currents that mimic those of the brain so these are both low and safe. We also teach our clients to activate the brain to muscle pathway so that the ems activation strengthens the pathway and the brain and muscle learn how to work together at their optimum levels.


We love all things EMS at Elite and if you want any more information about the science behind EMS and its many applications please get in touch with us.

Sensory Neuron and EMS
Fitness Group

First timer to EMS Training?

Nothing to sweat about, (till later)



This is when things start to get exciting. Your trainer will prepare your suit by watering down the electrodes to ensure optimal performance. You are then helped into the suit for final fitting and adjustment then taken to the workout launchpad



Put on your favorite gym outfit, have a small high carb snack and hydrate about 40 minutes before your session



Once at the studio, your trainer will debrief you on the technology, the workout and explore what areas you want to focus on or answer any questions you may have.



This is what you came for! A fully customised 20 minute EMS session prepared just for you! Feel your muscles activate in ways you never felt before whilst being expertly guided by your trainer every step of the workout.



Congratulations! After 20 minutes of smashing your amazing EMS session, you have earned yourself a rest and  a protein packed

after-workout recovery shake that helps support muscle growth and aid recovery. Your now a veteran EMS'er! 

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